Strip (the) Joint

The whole gutting and stripping process is into it’s 9th week (see before pics here), what with us both trying to fit any work on the house in around our other full-time jobs. A theme you’ll notice is the slow waning of the smiles in pictures and the pain setting into our eyes as blisters appear on hands and more clothes are added to the “DIY” pile.

But don’t let that put you off.

We’re lucky enough not to have to move in straight away, so can completely gut the house whilst the work is done thanks to the lease on our London flat only running out next week and the generosity of my parents. Stage one was to remove any furniture left by the previous owner, fixed or otherwise (not the primrose bathroom suite, I hear you cry).

Out comes the kitchen, with Greg looking very proud at his plumbing handy work (?).

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Top Tip #1

Pay attention because I’m about to give you the best advice you’ll ever receive. Never wallpaper anything. Ever. You’ll have to take it off at some stage.

Let that be a renovation motto to live by (until I find a beautiful print paper and my own advice flies out of the window, I’m sure).


Me naïvely smiling back on the first day of wallpaper stripping